In De La Salle, Religious Studies is much more than a subject on the timetable. It permeates the whole life and ethos of the College and is expressed through the quality of relationships within the Lasallian community, with effective links with family and local parishes.
Religious Studies is a compulsory area of the curriculum and plays a vital role in the spiritual and moral development of each and every pupil. All pupils are encouraged to put their Christian values into action.

Key Stage 3
Fully Alive Programme
Topics covered in each year group:
Year 8:
Patron Saint: St. Jean Baptiste De La Salle
The Rosary
The Mass
Parables of Jesus
Liturgical Year
Year 9:
The story of Creation
The environment – St. Francis of Assisi
The Commandments
Christian Values
Luke’s Gospel
Year 10:
Christian Discipleship
Death & Funeral practices
Charity: SVDP
Matters of Life & Death: Abortion & Euthanasia
Overview of Islam
Key Stage 4 GCSE
CCEA GCSE Religious Studies is studied over two years, beginning in Year 11 and continuing through Year 12.
Pupils will sit one exam (50%) at the end of Year 11 and the second exam (50%) at the end of Year 12.
Year 11: Paper 5 Christianity through the study of Mark’s Gospel
Year 12: Paper 8 An Introduction to Christian Ethics
OCN Level 2 Religious Studies is also offered at KS4. Pupils complete nine continuous assessment projects over the two years.
Year 11:Prejudice & Discrimination, Charity, Addiction, Life of a Famous person and World Faith.
Year 12: Personal Identity & Faith, Life & Death Issues, Marriage & Divorce and Exploring Religious Traditions.
A Level (CCEA)
Pupils have two areas of study at AS and A2 Level.
Year 13:
Textual Studies AS 1: An Introduction to the Gospel of Luke
Religion and Ethics AS 7: Foundations of Ethics with Special Reference to Issues in Medical Ethics
Assessment: Pupils will sit two 1 hour 20-minute external written examinations Students answer one from two questions in Section A and one from two questions in Section B.
Each paper is worth 50% of AS and 20% of A level.
Year 14:
Textual Studies A2 1: Themes in the Synoptic Gospels
Religion and Ethics A2 7: Global Ethics
Assessment: Pupils will sit a two 2 hour external written examinations Students answer two from three questions in Section A and the compulsory synoptic question in Section B.
Each paper is worth 50% of A2 and 30% of A level.
Faith Development
Our school Motto is, ‘Signum Fidei’ – A sign of Faith. We live up to this motto within the Religious Studies department and work to develop the personal experiences of all pupils through prayer, social awareness, charity and the celebration of the Liturgy.

Pupils are encouraged to participate in a number of faith opportunities within the school and through involvement within the local community: Faith Friends, Youth Alpha, Pope John Paul II Award, class/year group liturgies, retreats and assemblies, charity work and prayer services.