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Since 2007, Learning for Life and Work has been a compulsory component of the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Curriculum. Pupils study Local and Global Citizenship; Personal Development and Employability under the umbrella of Learning for Life and Work.


In Local and Global Citizenship, pupils learn about Diversity and Inclusion; Social Justice; Democracy and Human Rights. In Personal Development; they learn about Health and Well-being; Relationships and Sexuality and Financial Awareness. Employability helps prepare pupils for their future careers and deals with issues such as Globalisation; Recruitment and Self-Employment and Personal Career Management.


All of these issues help prepare our pupils for the future while developing their Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities as well as Literacy, Numeracy and ICT.  



Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3, pupils study all the areas of Learning for Life and Work and are encouraged to participate in a responsible way in their community. Lessons are active and allow pupils to develop their own ideas and opinions by exploring a range of issues such as discrimination and prejudice; alcohol, drugs and relationships and immigration and emigration and the impact of globalisation on the environment.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, all pupils study with GCSE Learning for Life and Work or Level 2 Preparation for Adult Life. These courses cover all aspects of the subject and give pupils a deeper insight and opportunity to explore important issues in a mature way. Both these courses lead to study at Post-16 as well as helping prepare pupils for their future as active local and global citizens.




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