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Modern Languages


The Modern Languages Department at De La Salle endeavours to create a positive and enjoyable language experience.  Pupils have the opportunity to study Spanish and Irish to A level.  We ensure that lessons are interesting, fun, lively and challenging by using an active approach.  


Pupils have the opportunity to listen, speak, read and write in the target language through a range of activities such as games, pair and group work, quizzes, mini whiteboards, iPads, video and audio clips and MFL websites.  We believe that it is essential that every pupil reaches his potential.  


We strive to develop pupils’ interest in the Irish and Spanish language and culture while at the same time helping pupils develop independence and gain an insight into their own language.


Pupils of Irish are encouraged to visit the Iúir Gaeltacht and Spanish students enjoyed Spanish culture and history in the amazing city of Barcelona.  They experienced Spanish life , tasted typical Spanish food and most importantly practiced their language skills

Aims of the Modern Languages Department


  • To foster pupils’ enjoyment of language learning

  • To have high expectations of pupils’ achievements and behaviour

  • To instil a love for the Irish language

  • To develop awareness of Spanish speaking countries and cultures

  • To encourage pride in successful linguistic achievement

  • To ensure that pupils achieve their full potential in public examinations

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© 2023 De La Salle College

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