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Home Economics


Welcome to the Home Economics Department in De La Salle College. We strive to create a happy, caring and creative environment where pupils and staff enjoy working together to learn new skills and develop existing skills.

Home Economics is about much more than food. It combines aspects of nutrition, cooking, relationships, consumerism and independent living. Pupils will have the opportunity to learn about the inter-relationships between diet, health and home and the management of available resources.


Each pupil will be encouraged to achieve their full potential and prepare for life and work, by learning new skills and building upon those already established in the home. In this subject, each pupil will have the opportunity to develop a range of essential life skills including critical thinking, creativity, decision making, communication, using mathematics and managing information.



Head of Department: Miss J Mullan
Subject Teachers:
  • Mrs O Rodgers
  • Mr J Quinn
  • Ms M Armstrong

Subjects offered within our Department

  • KS3 Home Economics (Years 8, 9 and 10)

Home Economics helps prepare young people for independent living. It is a practical subject that can promote and enhance the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities through understanding food choice, nutritional health, consumer issues and relationships. This subject strand aims to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and values that will help them to make appropriate lifestyle choices.

  • CCEA Occupational Studies Level 2 Design and Creativity

This course can lead to careers within the catering/hospitality industry and can lead to courses at post-16 in a relevant subject area. This course is suitable for students with an interest in food, cookery and nutrition. Students need to be able to cook hygienically, conduct independent research and engage in further reading to enhance their understanding of several topics. 

The 2 main units covered in Design and Creativity are:

  1. Contemporary Cuisine (50%)                         

  2. Patisserie and Baking (50%)                         


Both of these units require excellent practical and creativity skills.


Some topics include:

·    Hygiene and Safety

·    Career Opportunities within Catering

·    Safe use of Kitchen Equipment


Assessment is in the form of formal teacher observations, evaluations, structured questions, and photographic evidence of practical outcomes.

Picture 5
Picture 1
Picture 4
Picture 2
Picture 3
  • BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care

This qualification is designed to support progression to higher education.  The Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care aims to provide an introduction to the sector. It is for learners who are interested in learning about the health and social care. 


It is equivalent in size to one A Level.  It is suitable for anyone wishing to take up further study or a career in the health and social care field.   It could be useful if you are intending to pursue a career in social care or healthcare, for instance as a social worker or health visitor, practice nurse or occupational therapist. 


You will learn about the role of health and social care services in providing care and support to individuals with additional needs.


  • 4 Units of which 3 are Mandatory

  • 2 Units are Internally Assessed by Centre and externally verified by Pearson.

  • 2 Units are Externally Assessed by Pearson.


  • External Assessment equates to 58% of the course

  • Internal Assessment equates to 42% of the course

  • Equivalent of 1 GCE ‘A’ Level

  • Qualification Credit Value: a minimum of 60 credits, (360 GLH)

  • Pass/ Merit & Distinction can be achieved. 


  • Grade C or above in GCSE English and Maths (or equivalents). 

  • Good written and oral communication skills to help you fulfil all aspects of the course.

  • The ability to complete independent research and further reading around the subject area.

  • A genuine interest in working in the Health and Social Care sector


Extra-curricular activities

  • Pupils will have opportunities to visit food establishments such as Tayto Factory and compete in a range of competitions including the De La Salle Bake-off and the Mount Charles Cookery Competition. Seasonally influenced Cookery Clubs enable pupils to bake in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.


  • KS4 students annually receive a visit from the Livestock and Meat Commission who give cookery demonstrations to the pupils and provide them with extra practical skills.

Further education courses linked to Home Economics 

Take a look below at the wide range of further education courses offered to pupils studying Home Economics related subjects


Queens University

BSc (Hons) Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition


University of Ulster

Degree courses available


Food and Nutrition

Environmental Health

Food Design and Innovation


Human Nutrition


Loughry College, Cookstown - College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE)

  • FREE courses available

  • GRANTS available (means tested)



What’s offered?

  • Apprenticeships

  • National Diplomas

  • Degree Courses


Career links

Studying Home Economics equips pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to work in a range of different careers, some of which include:

  • Careers within the Hospitality Industry (Hotel Manager, Chef)

  • Environmental Health Officer

  • Home Economics Teacher

  • Careers in Food Science (New Product Development Technician/Manager)

  • Quality Technician/Manager, Sensory Analyst)

  • Dietician or a Nutritionist.

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